Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winklepedia Part 2

First, I started documenting/cataloguing all my Kathie Winkle patterns. Thought it would be neat to see how many different ones I have. I also follow librarygirl's blog and she also collects Kathie Winkle. She recently made an offhand comment about her 200 pieces of KW to which I replied that she "has it bad" as I only have 157 pieces (a number I pulled out of my hat). She then counted and found only about 120 and said I was WORSE and so I had to count... 174. Yikes. There are a few more lying around the house filled with keys, earrings, etc and some in the garden box ready to be put outside (cracked, broken, etc.)

Ah well, here is today's Winklepedia entry:

I start with this lovely plate given to me by my dear friend Jane - right off her table! It does not have the customary Kathie Winkle signature but I'm pretty sure it's hers. If you know otherwise, let me know. Anyway, it is adorable! "Pomella"

 I found this one along with a lidless sugar bowl at the World Famous Gilmour Street Garage Sale. It's called "Lemon Grove". My friend Cathrine (also a Winkle Nut) has a pile of plates like this. This is an odd luncheon size plate (between a sandwich and a dinner).

This is a recent find and only in a creamer so no label at all. But it is the same size and shape as my other winkle creamers and obviously in the Winkle style. I don't know name - can you help?

I have a whole bunch of sugar bowls and only a couple with original lids. This is another one of which I have no other dishes so I don't know the name.

 And some more sugar bowls that I finally found a use for. From left "Lemon Grove",  "Capri" (I also have a platter in Capri", and "San Tropez".

That's all for today.


  1. FOUND YOU! the lemon grove and pomella are DIVINE - never seen them before. After work today I'll check my Leith book,I'm sure some of those patterns are in there...

    1. Sorry it took so long to publish your comment - I didn't know where to find them! Thanks for visiting and thanks also for putting my blog on yours. Cheers, cd


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