Friday, February 3, 2012

I Don't Deserve To Be So Happy

I've decided to begin posting things that make me inexplicably happy. These will only be the things that make me feel, like Scrooge at the end of the Alistair Sim film version of A Christmas Carol says, "[that] I don't deserve to be so happy."
(And that scene is one of the things that makes me feel happy - in a deep down, can't explain it way - why should that make me feel so happy?)

So the thing that made me happiest this week was this tiny news item buried into a back page in last Friday's Globe and Mail (which was delivered despite the fact that we only get delivery on Saturday... coincidence? I think not!) The picture is from the online version of The Guardian. Seems that the authorities in a Russian town would not give a group a permit to protest in the town square, so after many months of waiting, they came up with this solution. The police were totally freaked out and were seen to be writing down what was written on the signs. I can't decide if my favourite is Sailor Moon protesting Russian political corruption or the little Lego police officer keeping an eye on it all.

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